Bonanza Opal Mines
The Brightest Opals
in the World
Year Round (775) 969-3616
In Season (775) 941-0111
Bonanza Opal Mines, Inc.
43255 Sagebrush Creek Rd. - Denio, Nevada
We'll show you what to look for and how to find it. Bring your own tools or rent from us.
The historic Virgin Valley Campground was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the American depression. A swimming pool and bath house are fed by a natural warm spring. There's fresh water available and pit toilets.
We're in the middle of nowhere, but that's where it's all happening in Virgin Valley.
The Virgin Valley is home to antelope, a wide variety of species of birds, and beautiful flowers. Come in the late spring for the greatest population of water fowl. There's no hunting, but there is fishing in the Dufurrena Ponds, at a special pond for kids, and the local reservoirs.
Bonanza is located in the northern Nevada Great Basin. Be sure to bring what you need to stay comfortable and safe.
Enjoy exploring the wonders of the Virgin Valley. Soak in Bog Hot Springs. Hike through 1000 Creek Gorge—a huge crack in the ground a short hike from the campground. Explore the top of Gooch Table above the mine. Explore the wild lands around Bonanza Opal Mine.